Anyone Can Dance
by Emily Esposito
Be Better Than the Sway! You can enhance your first dance without feeling the stress of becoming a professional dancer.
Astoria, NY
About My Business & How I Got Here
I am the opposite of a ballroom studio. I do not teach technical ballroom to couples because I don’t think it’s necessary. I’ve developed a language and curriculum that is easy for beginners to understand and grasp and allows couples to learn an incredible dance that fits their personality. The process is entirely collaborative and my ego never gets in the way. I always want to hear if clients are happy or unhappy with certain moves so I can make sure to cater each step to what makes them comfortable and confident. I’ve been teaching for 17 years and I have found that the biggest reward is never the fanciest dance but how proud people are of themselves when they walk away.
6 Items
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Anyone Can Dance
by Emily Esposito
Be Better Than the Sway! You can enhance your first dance without feeling the stress of becoming a professional dancer.
Astoria, NY
Contact Emily
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